About OTL

Some of the most common and widespread issues of forced labor and modern slavery have their roots in malpractices that occur during the recruitment process, largely related to exploitative fees charged to workers by recruitment practitioners at multiple points in their recruitment journey.

On The Level (OTL) was developed as a certification program for recruitment agencies and labor suppliers that is intended to bridge the gap between recruitment agencies that need business incentives to operate ethically and businesses that require labor suppliers that meet a set of globally-recognized set of standards. OTL creates transparency in the recruitment process through robust systems and procedures implemented by a competent third party and an Integrity System that adds worker and stakeholder feedback and validation to the verification process.

Agencies that participate in OTL have been nominated by an employer, either directly or through an industry association, or have chosen to join on their own initiative.

Companies, businesses, industry associations or brands that are vetting recruitment agencies and labor suppliers for screening or due diligence purposes, or have reason to believe a recruitment agency or labor supplier is ready to be vetted for ethical recruitment practices against the OTL Principles and Standards, may nominate and sponsor a recruitment agency or labor supplier through OTL.

A recruitment agency or labor supplier that is looking to join OTL must meet the following criteria:

1. It is in good legal standing

2. It has deployed workers in the past two years in the corridor that it is seeking certification for

Please contact Camille Dela Rosa at camille@fairhiringinc.com to communicate your intent to sponsor an applicant (for companies) or join through your own initiative (for recruitment agencies and labor suppliers), or to request more information about OTL.